b'10KEY FEATURES AND BENEFITS of Attack Pro Series nozzles RAISED SPINNING TURBINELASER-ETCHEDINDICATORS TEETHPERMANENT MARKINGS Attack Pro Series nozzles incorporate aAll Delta Attack and Attack Pro SeriesAll markings on the Attack Pro-Series tactile raised indicator on both the frontnozzles incorporate stainless steel spinningare laser etched, providing a permanentFLOW AND bumper and dial collar to assist firefightersturbine teeth designed to chop the waterreference to flow settings, spray patternsCOLOUR OPTIONSin selecting spray patterns and flow settingsup into small droplet sizes, enhancing gasand on/off control settings. A unique serialDelta fire nozzles are available in low light levels where visibility can becooling operations. Unlike the more commonnumber provides full traceability throughoutin a range of flow options and impaired by smoke. The indicators are easythe life of the nozzle, and bespoke markings to locate in a gloved hand and ensure theplastic teeth, our teeth are designed tosuch as NATO stock numbers, Tag numbers,colourways to suit individual operator is fully in control at all times. withstand impact without breaking.In overFire Service Crests/Logos or customer- fire service and organisational 20 years of manufacture we have never hadspecific code numbers can be added uponrequirements.a single reported incident of failure. request.'